For all topics we offer individual consultations and seminars QDC consulting
An audit in your company gives you a quick and detailed overview of the required standards, related to systems, processes, products and suppliers. Here, the current state of the company is compared with the target state. A distinction is made between 3 types of audits. The system audit, the process audit, and the product audit. Whichever form of audit is to be used in your company, qdc® as your partner can map all types of audits and thus helps you to find the weak points in your company and to improve them in a targeted manner.
Our consultants conduct an audit together with you. The first option is a system audit. Here, the management systems in your company are reviewed and possible deviations from the target state are identified. For example, in this area we offer a system audit in accordance with ISO 9001 or IATF 16949. A system audit can improve the overall performance of your company. A more differentiated variant would be a process audit. In this audit, only individual processes are analyzed. This gives you the opportunity to optimize specific areas of your company. In the area of process audits, we offer VDA 6.3 and VDA 6.7, among others. The third option would be a product audit, which examines whether the product under consideration meets customer expectations and, if not, how you could act. The goal of any audit is to find measures to increase efficiency and thus move your company forward.
The qdc® is an established company in the consulting and education industry with a focus on the regional environment, but also shares in the national and international market.
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