Quality Management

5S Method Training

For all topics we offer individual consultations and seminars QDC consulting

1 day 8 h plus coffee breaks
Available upon request
In Chemnitz, online or at a convenient location near you
Lean Management basic knowledge Enjoys practical learning

How can you optimize your work procedures, and why should you register for the 5S Method Training?

5S Method (known as 5A method or 6S method), is an applied tool of Lean Management to make workplaces safe, clean, and transparent. Being orderly and tidiness is the foundation to improving work environment, as well as reducing the risk of work hazards. Time wasting activities, such as long searches, unnecessary transport routes should be avoided. A clean and tidy working conditions are considered to be the basis for work quality. The 5S method can also be applied in other areas, from production, services, administration, to data processing. The direct employee’s involvement opens up new possibilities for identifying and implementing potential improvements.

5S Method Schulungsinhalte

To optimize your work processes, create safe, clean and orderly environment.

  • Lean Management Basics
    • The 7 types of waste
    • Origin of the method 5S
    • 5S as a basic building block of Lean Management
  • Principles of Lean Management
  • Meaning and goals of the 5S
  • Reference to Kaizen / KVP / TPM / SMED / VSA / VSD
  • Procedure for implementation
    •  Select
    • Systematize
    • Clean
    • Standardize
    • Self-discipline
  • Examples of practical implementation possibilities
  • Elimination of waste
    • The 9 types of waste
    • Employee motivation
  • Explanation and visualization of the organizational framework
  • Planning and procedure of 5S workshops
  • Checklists for 5S audits
    • Insight into audit implementation
  • Group work:
      • The most important success drivers in Lean Management
      • Use of these factors in your own company
  • Learning Factory
Seminar Individual / Inhouse

Your very own seminar. Practical & at your convenient location.
Simulations based on your own case studies.
Individual online campus helloQ.

Valid reasons for qdc®
Practical & lively.

Satisfaction guaranteed! With us, you will experience the most practical continuing education training on the topic of IATF 16949 in Chemnitz, learning how to correctly apply planning processes, method implementation, and statistical methods.

Call your Coach

Still have questions about the onsite implementation in your daily work? Get immediate response and correct answers with our free consultation expert.

Working together in small groups.

Up to 12 places per compact seminar, we provide above-average practical know-how and individual learning success.

Personal online campus helloQ.

All documents, such as handouts, scripts, or flipchart content, are available in print and digitally. Access to your online campus helloQ is free of charge for 3 years.


Delicious and healthy. We provide healthy and tasty meals, snacks, and drinks.


At the end of the seminar you will receive a certificate of participation.
Register today and secure your place in the small business circle of the qdc® Academy.

5S Method

Quality Management

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