Quality Management

ISO 55001

Asset Management

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Your assets - improve your bottom line through efficient asset management ISO55001

Asset management translates organizational goals into technical and financial decisions, plans and activities, considering social costs, risks, and service quality. ISO55001 is addressed to companies that want to optimize the value creation from their assets. With our help, you can achieve this goal and achieve your certification readiness.

ISO 55001 Asset Management Beratung Chemnitz

Our consultants will guide you through the initial contact with the ISO55001 standard to give you a good overview of the requirements and challenges involved in implementing the continuous improvement process of asset management. The implementation of asset management will only succeed if there is support and alignment between managers. Together with you, our experts form an asset management team that is responsible for optimization. This includes planning, driving forward as well as implementing and sustainably fine-tuning previously defined measures (PDCA cycle). Our consultants are particularly characterized by many years of experience in environmental management (ISO14001) & energy management (ISO50001). The knowledge of these standards is a prerequisite to understand ISO55001 fully and in depth and to implement it in a targeted manner. With our structured project flow, we lead you to your certification maturity. 

The Project Process - ISO 55001

1. Potential Analysis
Formulation of the identified deviations in a portfolio of measures
Preparation of an audit report with all deviations and necessary measures
Sustainable implementation of the documented measures
Further development of competencies, awareness, and methods to ensure sustainable assurance
Increase effectiveness and efficiency of all areas

Request ISO 55001 consultation

Quality Management

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