Safety & Health Management


Safety & Health Coordinator

For all topics we offer individual consultations and seminars QDC consulting

SiGeKos ensure the safety and health of workers in various trades on construction sites during the planning and execution phases of construction projects.

If more than 20 different employers are working on construction sites for more than 30 days or if particularly dangerous work is to be carried out, the use of a SiGeKos is mandatory according to § 2 (3) Baustellenverordnung (BaustellV).

Sigeko Schulung und Beratung Chemnitz

Our competences

  • Supervision of construction projects
  • Coordination with all project participants
  • Ensuring compliance with current legal requirements and safety-relevant aspects
  • Documentation
  • Inspection of construction sites

Our way of working

Every building project has its own special features. The workflow is coordinated in close communication with the client / site manager.

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Safety & Health Management

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